The Paradox of Parables

You have just heard one of the parables of Jesus, quite a complicated one. It accomplishes what a parable is supposed to do: it...

C.S. Lewis and the World’s Last Night

There is much talk of the 'last days', the apocalypse, the end of the world. In in the midst of the turmoil that swirls...

Saint John Henry Newman’s Philosophy of Education: Part 1

(John Hartley presents a three-part series of Saint John Henry Newman's views of education. Here is the first, on the commemoration of the great...

Some Salient Points on the Rosary in the Apostolic letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae by...

As we celebrate the liturgical memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary, we would do well to reflect upon the Apostolic Letter by the...

Spiritual but Not Religious: An Eroding Credo

The faith and devotion of religious people is evident in many ways. They have deeply held beliefs and belong to an organized religion -...

Music of the Archangels

For our musical offering this week, we thought we'd go on this day dedicated to the Archangels to a composer named after them, Archangelo...

‘Adding’ the Saint Michael Prayer After Mass

(One of our most popular articles from the archives from a few years ago, but well worth a read or re-read on this feast...

The Woeful Wages of the Winnipeg Statement

(On this anniversary of the doleful and ambiguous Winnipeg Statement by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, back in 1968, as their response to...

Eva Forgives the Angel of Death

Here is a poem by Lorraine Labriola, on forgiveness, which we post in light of the Jewish commemoration of Yom Kippur - the Day...

Spiritual Encouragement from Padre Pio

In this world we are living in, we greatly feel the need to be encouraged, not least by being offered that discerning guiding inspiration...