Descent into Lunacy: Here Come Sri Lanka’s “Gender” Bills

Consequent to endeavours and successes in banning nitrogenous fertilisers, establishing “climate change” universities, liberalising sodomy and LGBTQ+, decreasing the age of consent to 14 and thereby legalising paedophilia – all in obedience to the...

The Ascension of our Lord

Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up toward heaven? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come...

A Host of Mighty Miracles

As Christians we believe in miracles because the Gospels tell us of miracles performed by Jesus. No founder of any other world religion ever...

The Popes and the feast of Our Lady of Pompei

May 8th is the traditional feast day of Our Lady of Pompeii, which reminds us of the power of the Marian prayer of the...

Sacraments and the Sixth Sunday of Easter

Someone once said to me, “I don’t need a priest to forgive my sins. I go directly to God.” I shuddered, hoping that he...

Sixth Sunday of Easter: Friends of Christ, and Friends of Each Other

‘You are my friends if you do what I command you. I do not call you servants any longer because the servant does not...

May the Fourth and The Shroud of Turin

May the Fourth is the traditional commemoration of the Shroud of Turin, claimed to be the burial cloth of Christ – and there is...

Benedict and Philip the Apostle

BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE Saint Peter's Square Wednesday, 6 September 2006 Philip the Apostle Dear Brothers and Sisters, While we continue to outline the features of the various Apostles, as...

Philip and James: Apostles in Arms

Philip and James, Apostles, have been celebrated together on this third day in May since the revision of the calendar in 1969. They were...

This Sweet and Merry Month of May

On this first day of May, dedicated to Mary, in this year after the 400th anniversary year of the death of one of England's...