Phil Lynott in retrospect & the extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy: from tragedy to Christian...

Pope Francis has declared that from December 8th, 2015 until November 20th, 2016 will be the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. In the pope’s letter...

The Serendipity of Marriage

I attended a winter wedding this past weekend, something I have the honour and privilege of doing more often than most (attend weddings, that...

Holy, or False, Innocence?

Marc Bauerlein has an insightful essay on false innocence in the recent issue of First Things, describing those who feign an innocence that, perhaps...

How to Receive Gifts, by František Nepil

(translated by Peter Hala) So you see, it’s Christmas again, as if one painted it. Above all, you are smarter and wiser. Now you know...

Thoughts on Life and Death on the Feast of Saint Stephen

A very merry, holy and joyous Christmas to all our readers!  The twelve days of Christmas traditionally goes until the solemnity of the Epiphany,...

The Art of Giving and Receiving Gifts

The highlight of Christmas is the Midnight Mass. There is an aura and smell of festivities, the church is beautifully decorated, elegantly dressed people...

Being Santa: A Family’s Perspective

(Whatever your stance on the Santa Claus legend, and whether you maintain said legend in some way, shape and form for your children, this article...

He Descended into Hell

(As we begin these latter days of Advent, awaiting the imminent arrival of our Saviour, it would do us well to ponder what indeed...

Ad Multos Annos, Father Alphonse de Valk, Fifty Years a Priest.

It is fitting on this feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of life, that we offer a hearty and warm congratulations to Father...

What Does the Church Believe? : The Catechism of the Catholic Church

(This archived address by Cardinal Ratzinger, forwarded by Father Callam, fits in well with our preparations for Advent on this memorial of Pope Damasus....