Motion M103 and the Perilous Ambiguity of ‘Islamophobia’
Tomorrow, our noble Parliament will vote on Motion M103, which is a motion to get into a motion laws forbidding 'Islamaphobia'. Said Motion is...
Reading St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans
The letter of St. Paul to the Romans uses the same basic structure found in his other letters. It features one important aspect of...
The ‘Perfect’ Relationship
Anybody heard of Pinterest? If you haven’t, count your lucky stars because you’ve just "gained" back hours and hours of time to waste on...
Reading St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians
Among the many fruitful ways of understanding the writings of St. Paul is to focus on the connection that he makes again and again...
Media, Bought and Sold
The mercantile nature of journalism has finally come full circle, as the newspapers (well, given that many publish in other media, we should call them 'news sources') are now begging for public subsidies.
Mirth, according to Saint Thomas Aquinas
On this feast of a 'mirthy' saint, it is a propos to take a brief glance at what Saint Thomas says about this most...
True Love, Post Holiday, Beyond Emotion
Each year between January and March, my family moves out into the wide world. Some of us go to college, others go to work,...
Silence and the Clericalism of Fr. Rodrigues
Father Scott Murray
Scorsese’s film adaptation of Shusaku Endo’s Silence is true to the original. In fact, I don’t believe I have ever seen a...
The Wrath of Agha Khan’s Island
One can only hope that Justin Trudeau's sense of entitlement and noblesse is finally catching up to him. Even the secular media, who have...
Why Children (and Adults!) Should Learn Latin
Whenever the census in Canada rolls round, I suspect that I am one of the few people who, in the box where one reports...