A Reflection for Christmas: God, Truth and Love

As Christmas rolls around this year, try not to be swept up with the hoopla of consumerism and economic materialism.  In our day and...

Canadian Pot Heads

Next spring, Trudeau, the only sitting Member of Parliament ever to admit to smoking a joint (and hence breaking the law), along with his...

The Modern Family and Their Tragic Children

Following upon my post the other day, on the young woman who drowned her newborn, and was let off with more or less a...

And Thy Word Broke Their Swords: The Empowering Depth and Dimension of Advent...

There is more to Advent and Christmas than just waiting for and celebrating Christ's birth. It serves as the beginning of an epic, and...

Sam alone Stands Against the Leviathan

Well, I must eat some of my words about the newly-minted nineteen-year old Member of Provincial Parliament, Sam Oosterhoff, here in Ontario, and I...

Cultural Divides

You may have read a couple of weeks or so ago of a Montreal housing complex here in Canada that was until recently moving...

To Be a Pilgrim: Thanksgiving as a Pilgrimage

      Thanksgiving, for most people here in America, is something of a precursor of Christmas that initiates a deluge of holiday hits playing ad...

Einstein’s God

Max Jammer valiantly tried to make sense of Einstein’s religious notions in his book Einstein and Religion, but few of his readers would contest...

Of Severed Heads, Pronoun Wars and Canaries

An Italian neurosurgeon, Sergio Canavero, is planning to head up the first human body-head transplant, taking the head from a man, Valery Spiridonov, who...

Saint Caecelia, and What Church Music Should Be

Today is the feast of Saint Caecelia, a young virgin martyr in Rome, put to death either in the late second or early third...