The Immanence of Jerusalem: Preparing the Way of the Lord
“1917 was the Balfour Declaration establishing Israel for the nations,
2017 was Trump’s declaration.”
Yakov Hayman, chairman of the United Temple Movement
It’s been...
Reformation and the Immaculate Conception
The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the most unique of all Catholic dogmas, not only theologically and historically, but...
Walker Percy and the Modern Malaise
Walker Percy (1916-1990), born and raised in the South, was a member of that rare breed of southern Catholic writers. His grandfather and later...
Argumentative Starting Points
Jesus provides us with a motive for acting, viz., the love of God, which in practical terms produces a love of our neighbours. The...
The Millennial Fugue
Spare a thought for millennials, perhaps the most persecuted sector of our increasingly ignorant and spiritually impoverished society.
Denied God and the firm Christian teaching...
The Miracle on Assumption Day
Victory in battle does not depend on who has the largest army; it is the Lord's power that determines the outcome (1 Maccabaeus 3:9)
Ritual and Boredom
More times than I can count I have been told by young men and women that they do not attend Mass because they find...
Hollywood Combusts
I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer....
Hollywood’s Sense of Sin
In a radio address on October 26, 1946, with the horrors of World War II still fresh (if such be the term) in the...
Random Reflections on Jacques Maritain
Recently I was startled to realize, it being so uneasy a reminder of my own mortality, that the eminent French philosopher Jacques Maritain has...