Pilgrimage as a Path to Holiness

“God evidently loves pilgrims. For to some, like Tobias, he sent angels as guides. To others, like Abraham, he just said, ‘Arise and go’”...

  The Psychoanalytic Roots of Atheism

The pioneer psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was an atheist. Lacking an in-depth knowledge of philosophy, he took atheism as a self-evident truth. Religion, specifically...

Life is Not a Fairy Tale

When a person gets everything that she wants, when she has all the things that she thinks she needs, and life is being wonderfully...

Salvific Suffering

In, 1984, Pope Saint John Paul II penned an Apostolic Letter on the mystery of human suffering, Salvifici Doloris (curiously, now looking back, the...

Firefighters, Envy and the Public and Private Sector

It is no secret that there is a war brewing between the public and private sectors of the economy, with their economic prospects diverging...

Christ’s Sacrifice Was one of Redemption, Not Popularity

Dear Brothers and Sisters, This Sunday’s Gospel (cf. Jn 6:51–58) is the concluding part and culmination of the discourse given by Jesus in the Synagogue...

The Flood, Arks, and Happy Monks

  Fr. Scott Murray A review of The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post Christian Nation By Rod Dreher Penguin Group USA, 269 pages, $34 After...

Every Child is Already Wanted

(From our archives, which seems a propos given the recent invitees to the Vatican's Pontifical Academy for Science, which has created quite a stir,...

Waking Up to God

It is the most phenomenal transformation of the day, born again into consciousness, and like birth, both forced upon us and the fruit of...

Of True Feminism, Early Martyrs and Thomas Aquinas

The paradoxes continue in our modern era, not least of which is that concerning 'gender' and feminism, with two stories that come to mind: First,...