C.S. Lewis Revisited
Arguably the two most influential Christian apologists of the twentieth century were G.K. Chesterton and C.S. Lewis. Both were accomplished essayists, novelists, poets, and...
The Eyes of the Heart: A Movie Review of “Prince of Foxes”
Year: 1949
Filming: Black & White
Length: 107 minutes
Genre: Adventure/Drama/History/Swashbuckler
Maturity: PG (for intense thematic elements)
Cast: Tyrone Power (Andrea Orsini), Orson Welles (Cesare Borgia), Wanda Hendrix (Camilla...
A Reflection on Populism and Popularity
As we journeyed through the darkness of Holy Week to the great solemnity of Easter, with the acclamations given to Christ before his humiliating...
Britain Goin’ It Alone
Prime Minister Therea May in Britain has just called an early election, hoping for a mandate to lead Britain out of the European Union....
A Tough Habit to Break
Religious life is habit-forming. Though this is a play on words, the sentiment is accurate. In the culture of Roman Catholicism, mere mention of...
Pope Saint John Paul’s 11th Station
Jesus is nailed to the Cross.
V. Adoramus te, Christe, et benedicimus tibi.
R. Quia per sanctam crucem tuam redemisti mundum.
From the Gospel according...
ISIS and Passion Sunday
ISIS attacked again yesterday, their favorite target, apparently, Christians, this time worshiping Coptics participating in Palm Sunday Mass. Forty seven were killed in the...
Pilgrimage as a Path to Holiness
“God evidently loves pilgrims. For to some, like Tobias, he sent angels as guides. To others, like Abraham, he just said, ‘Arise and go’”...
The Psychoanalytic Roots of Atheism
The pioneer psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was an atheist. Lacking an in-depth knowledge of philosophy, he took atheism as a self-evident truth. Religion, specifically...
Life is Not a Fairy Tale
When a person gets everything that she wants, when she has all the things that she thinks she needs, and life is being wonderfully...