Climate Babies: To Bear, or not to Bear

What sad, pinched lives the climate zealots must live, every emission of carbon and its derivatives a cause of sorrow, guilt, regret. You may...

The Trojan Horse in the City of God

Homer's epic poem, The Iliad, is the story of the war waged by Greece against the city of Troy. Unable to vanquish the Trojans...

Waiting for the Real Christmas

I don’t know about you, but I’m already tired of 'Christmas'. Of course, I am not referring to the real Christmas—the birth of Jesus—but...

Totalitarian Media

There are two primary things that totalitarian regimes seek to control, and whose take-over are themselves a sign of creeping totalitarianism in any society:...

The Migrant Question

One is never sure what to believe from the endless avalanche of stories from the main-stream media. A few weeks ago the migrant caravan...

Keeping Advent Well

Everyone here knows that Advent is the season of waiting. As the readings for the first Sunday indicate, the fundamental characteristic of this time...

Porn and the Disordering of the Human Mind

A propos of nothing, something grabbed my attention the other night, causing me to revisit a phenomenon that has long since disappeared from the...

Ontario’s Holy Lands

I come from the Holy Lands of Ontario. These are the small towns in which the Irish settled over the 19th century, and built imposing...

Closing GM Oshawa: A blessing in disguise?

Is it the canary in the coal-mine, or the bull in an economic china shop? The closure of the Oshawa GM manufacturing plant –...

The Stars are Falling

As we approach the end of the liturgical year, the readings at Mass once again turn to the end of this world and the...