Christ’s Sovereignity over all

How worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and divinity, and wisdom and strength and honour. To Him belong glory and...

The Lawyer Who Put the Logic of Darwinism on Trial: Phillip E. Johnson’s Gift...

On the first of November, at the age of 79, Phillip E. Johnson died at his home in California. Johnson was a gifted author...

Unnatural Family Planning

In a conclave of atheists, agnostics, and secular progressives, a seminar to discuss the human sexual drive would certainly speak about the most anatomically...

The Thirty Third Sunday’s Eschaton

Beware that you are not led astray (Lk. 21:8). ⧾ The sacred liturgy again today directs our attention to the eschaton, the teaching about the...

Sympathetic Nature

MANY PASSAGES in Scripture, both the Old and the New Testaments, are disconcertingly violent, as in today’s Gospel: Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom...

Saint Thomas and Merit

(Here is, for your perusal, Saint Thomas' teaching on charity - or divine-like love, 'willing the good' - is the principle of merit, rather...

The Cleansing Fire of Purgatory

Now He is God not of the dead, but of the living; for to Him all of them are alive. (Lk. 20:38) As we approach...

God and the Five Senses

A priest I knew many years ago opposed to the move from Latin to English in the prayers and readings at Mass. “For,” he...

The Faith is All or None

(I may write more on the recent headline, which comes not as a surprise, that most 'Catholics' - and one must use that term...

Guy Fawkes’ Gunpowder

Remember, remember the fifth of November. Yes, it's Guy Fawkes Day, when the English people of a certain religious persuasion - or of none...