Holland’s Hallowed Jesuit
Second only to St. Boniface, St. Peter Canisius, born in Holland, is known as the apostle of Germany, Switzerland, Holland, and other northern European...
Personhood and Abortion: A Historical Review in the Catholic Tradition
In 1973 the controversial Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in the United States. In that first year alone, about 700,000 abortions...
Gaudete! The Third Sunday of Advent
‘Truly I tell you, among those born of women no one has arisen greater than John the Baptist; yet the least in the kingdom...
Impurity and Self-Idolatry
Our whole human condition is enlightened by understanding the addictive process that leads to impurity. In a sense, all sin is a form of...
Conscience protection and why it matters
According to the latest data from Statistics Canada, 2,614 Canadians chose death by euthanasia or physician assisted suicide between January and October, 2018. This...
The Baptist and the Second Sunday of Advent
Angelus, Second Sunday of Advent, 7 December 2003
1. "Prepare the way of the Lord, clear him a straight path" (Lk 3: 4).
This invitation of...
God love you, Fulton J. Sheen
Da per matrem me venire
Grant that I may come to Thee through Mary.
(Motto of Venerable Fulton J. Sheen)
The good people of Peoria Illinois are...
A Liturgical Primer for Advent
For out of Zion shall go forth instruction, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem (Lk. 21: 36).
The first Sunday of Advent marks...
The Eucharistic Reign of Christ
‘Truly, I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise’ (Lk. 23:43). ⧾
From the moment that Our Lord spoke these words, the...
From Marx to Gaia
People who are not governed by God
Will be ruled by tyranny.
William Penn
What an extraordinary convergence of events. As the Russian dissident Vladimir Bukovsky lay...