This evening at 7:30 p.m., on the Feast of the Visitation, fittingly enough celebrated on the last day in the month of May dedicated to Our Lady, Father Scott McCaig, the Moderator of the Companions of the Cross, will be ordained a bishop of the Catholic Church, for the Military Vicariate.
I knew Father Scott years ago, when he acted as our chaplain here at Our Lady Seat of Wisdom in its early years, and we shared a number of cigars, sips of Scotch, and good conversation. I owe him a great deal of gratitude for all the help and advice he gave back then, to me, the faculty and all the students. He is, from what little I know of him, a good and holy priest, and a wise choice has been made in elevating him to the episcopate.
So keep him in prayer, and may he continue to do much good in the Lord’s vineyard!