Trump’s address to the World Economic Forum in Davos is, quite literally, world changing, even ‘apocalyptic’, in the strict sense of that word – revealing what was hidden, and bringing things to the light that dwelt in darkness. The whole agenda of the Davos crowd, suited men squirming in their seats striving to maintain composure and decorum – is crumbling: the sham of climate change, ineffective ‘green energy’, transgenderism, DEI, the stultifying effect of the EU, the corrupt banking system…all of it exposed and now tottering. The ‘great man’ effect in history, who can bring down the house of cards, has some truth to it.
Yet, and yet, as today’s saint exhorts, we must proceed with some patience and prudence: What will happen to the threat of potentially crippling, tariffs, American protectionism, of the required 5% spending on defense, of the need to shape up or ship out? How much of this will be put into action – for good or ill? Can the $40 trillion American debt really be brought down to manageable levels? How can that be a ‘small thing’? And what of the unmentioned ‘BRICS’ and the retaliatory threat to undermine the American dollar as the reserve currency of the world?
For us here in Canada, what of our oil and lumber? Does the U.S. really not need our vast natural resources? How many Canadians at this point would want to become the 51st state?
How will Canada respond? Or, not respond, as Parliament continues prorogued by diktat of Trudeau. Our own somehow-still-in-charge Prime Minister responds with, of all things, ketchup, and even on that, as on much else, he is apparently wrong. Hey, hey, ho, ho, Justin Trudeau’s gotta go.
I suppose February 1st, when the 25% tariffs threatened on Canadian goods, comes into effect – should it do so – will reveal much more. Get ready for the ride, et Deus protegat nos.