The 440 Hertz Conspiracy

I had no idea this was even a thing, but as I was preparing to teach a Chorus class, I came across this article on the purported conspiracy to tune instruments – and by extension our singing voices when accompanied by said instruments – to the standard A (above middle C) at 440 Hz (cycles per second). According to t his article, this was an artificial imposition, contra naturam, and the more natural resonance for humans would be to tune A to 432 Hz, which accords with the golden ration, phi, the Fibonacci series, the inherent vibrations of the earth and our bodies, and is, all things considered, deemed by many more pleasant to listen to.

Hmm. I have my doubts, but read on, and see what you think. You even get to listen to the same Coldplay song twice, in each frequency. I think to tell the difference between 440 and 432, I’d need some Mozart or Bach, the latter apparently tuning to 415 Hz.

De gustibus, non disputandum est.

The great 440 Hz conspiracy, and why all of our music is wrong: Alan Cross