Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College Receives Permission to Grant a Four-Year Bachelor of Arts


Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College (SWC) in Barry’s Bay, Ontario, has been granted permission to offer a four-year Bachelor of Arts degree by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities of the Province of Ontario. In 2017, the Province gave the institution permission to use the name “College” and to grant a three-year Bachelor of Catholic Studies degree. Now, students will also have the option of continuing their studies at the college for a fourth year and obtaining a four-year B.A. Three majors for the B.A. have been approved: Classical and Early Christian Studies; History; and Literature. (for more please see here).

So the announcement goes on our webpage, seatofwisdom.ca. I can say as one who has been at this apostolate since its foundation in the Jubilee year 2000, that this is a quasi-miracle. We would never have thought that the small, one-year foundation program we began all those years ago would develop, by the grace of God and the intercession of Our Lady, Saint Joseph and the panoply of our patron saints, into a full, four-year college. God works in mysterious ways, and often the most humble and surprising.