‘Great’ Britain Now a Police State

The formerly ‘Great Britain’ has descended into a totalitarian police state, one on the brink of some sort of civil war. Here be the arrest of a private citizen for comments made on FaceBook. ‘Someone complained’, as these pliant coppers say, so off to the clink he goes. Now, it seems, one can go to jail even for looking at a ‘riot’, a euphemism for a demonstration against political policies that have undermined what was once merrie England.

Meanwhile, as Brits are hauled off to jail by Sir Keir’s Starmtroopers simply for speaking, protesting, tweeting (x-ing?), re-tweeting, or even looking intently at those doing such, Muslim mobs – presumably the object of the aforementioned citizen’s comments – roam the streets armed, with impunity.

The ‘narrative’ is dissolving, along with the very fabric of British society, and they’re censoring anyone who objects. This will not end well, and we must pray, and hope – even against hope – for some resolution. The problem, as Mark Steyn puts it, is that if you outlaw peaceful protest, there’s only one other kind, that ends, or begins, with the storming of the Bastille, and the heads-on-pikes of 1789.

Saint George, Dunstan and Thomas More, orate pro nobis!