Eva Forgives the Angel of Death


Here is a poem by Lorraine Labriola, on forgiveness, which we post in light of the Jewish commemoration of Yom Kippur – the Day of Atonement – and as you read, you will see why. The notion of forgiveness is deep and complex: Can we forgive, when the other is not ready, or even willing, to accept our forgiveness? Even Christ, in His parables, forgives those who seek to be forgiven – but once our hearts are open, there is no limit to God’s mercy. What we can do is participate in this mercy of God, to offer forgiveness, hoping the other is, or will be one day, by the grace of God, open to receiving that gift.

Since the formatting is important to this poem, we will embed it here as a pdf, which you may open, read and ponder:

Eva Forgives the Angel of Death