Philip Neri and No Sad Saints

We celebrate today - even if in muted terms on this Sunday devoted to the Most Holy Trinity - one of the most joyful...

Saints Bede, Gregory VII, and Mary Magdalene Piazzi: Three for One

There are many saints in the Church's history - there are, by one estimate, about 6000 at least quasi-officially canonized - too many ever...

Blessed Louis-Zepherin, a Model Bishop for Canada

Today in Canada we celebrate Blessed Louis-Zepherin Moreau, (1824 - 1901) an exemplary bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe in Quebec. Born rather sickly and undersized to...

Eugène de Mazenod’s Oblation

Fittingly, in this month of Mary, we celebrate on this May 21st Saint Eugène de Mazenod (+1861), the 19th century founder of the Missionaries...

Father Magallanes’ Mexican Martyrdom

The twentieth century saw the rise of various vicious anti-Catholic regimes, totalitarian and ruthless in their demonic fury to stamp out the Church. Ecrasez...

Bernardine, Usury and the Holy Name

(The saint today get muted, due to the memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church, on the Monday after Pentecost, in the Novus Ordo....

Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church

Five years ago, - way back in those halcyonic days of 2018 - on the 160th anniversary of the first apparition of Lourdes, on...

St Felix of Cantalice: The Friar who Saved the Capuchin Reform by his Holiness

On May 18th, we Capuchins celebrate the feast of St Felix of Cantalice. This humble lay brother played an important key in the way...

Popes Saint John I, and John Paul II

We celebrate today, Pope John Saint I (+526). One might wonder why it took five centuries for a Pope to be chosen with this...

Saint Paschal Baylon’s Humility and Joy

The life of Paschal Baylon (1540 - 1592) has much in common with that of his fellow Franciscan, Joseph of Cupertino (+1633). They were...