Pope Benedict and Saint James the Greater

BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE Wednesday, 21 June 2006 James, the Greater Dear Brothers and Sisters, We are continuing the series of portraits of the Apostles chosen directly by Jesus...

Saint Charbel’s Holy Hidden Life

God often works through hidden ways, and those who live a hidden life. Amare nesciri, Saint Philip Neri was wont to say, 'love to...

Pope Benedict and Bridget of Sweden

BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE Saint Peter's Square Wednesday, 27 October 2010   Saint Bridget of Sweden Dear Brothers and Sisters, On the eve of the Great Jubilee in anticipation of the...

Saint Bridget, Sweden’s Charitable Bibliophile

Long before Sweden was known for ABBA and IKEA  – two exports not to everyone’s taste, even if billion-dollar brands – along with a...

Mary Magdalene’s Marvelous Metanoia

A blessed feast of Mary Magdalene, which - or who - was raised from memorial status in the liturgical revisions of 1969 to a...

Saint Lawrence of Brindisi’ Bible and Cappucino

Guilio Cesare Russo was born to a family of Venetian merchants, but not in Venice, but rather far to the south, in the village...

Saint Apollinaris of Ravenna

The See of Ravenna – on the north-east coast of Italy – was once, way back in the Middle Ages, nearly on par with...

The Witness of the Carmelites of Compiègne – Le Temoinage des Carmelites de Compiègne

It was on this day in a Parisian summer in 1794 - one day after the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel - that sixteen...

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Around this time of year in the Office of Readings, or Lauds, we follow the travails of the prophet Elijah from the Book of...

Pope Benedict and Saint Bonaventure: Part I

(The young Josef Ratzinger completed his doctorate on the thought of Saint Bonaventure, so these words of his on the great Franciscan strike home...