Saint Andrew Kim-Taegon and the Martyrs of Korea
Today is the feast of the countless martyrs of Korea, led by the indomitable convert priest, Father Andrew Kim Taegon, who was eventually tortured...
Saint Januarius’ Blood
Saint Januarius was bishop of Benevuento, in the south-west of Italy, about whom a number of legends are told - that he survived unscathed...
Saint Joseph of Cupertino and Learning to Fly
According to the laws of physics, a man should not be able to fly, at least without technological help. But are not the 'laws...
Pope Benedict and Saint Hildegarde of Bingen
Papal Summer Residence, Castel Gandolfo
Wednesday, 1st September 2010
Saint Hildegard of Bingen
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
In 1988, on the occasion of the Marian Year,...
Saint Hildegarde von Bingen, a Woman for All Seasons
Hildegarde von Bingen (+1179) is one of the newest saints in the liturgical calendar, canonized 'equipollently' by Pope Benedict XVI on May 12, 2012...
Pope Benedict and Robert Bellarmine
Paul VI Audience Hall
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Saint Robert Bellarmine
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Born on 4 October 1542 in Montepulciano near Siena, he was...
Saint Robert Bellarmine’s Clarity of Mind and Soul
In the midst of the theological and cultural confusion in which our Church is mired, we could use a few more men with the...
Saints Cornelius and Cyprian, Shepherds for Christ and Martyrs for His Truth
Saint Cornelius was Pope for a scant two years in the middle of the third century, elected in 251 and put to death in...
Mater Dolorosa, Mother of Sorrows
A blessed memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows to all, even if this year muted by the Sunday. This feast was first celebrated in...
John Chrysostom: The Man with the Golden Mouth
Saint John Chrysostom (+407) was a model bishop, a doctor of the Church, an ascetic and contemplative monk who wanted only to retreat from...