Pope Benedict on Pope Leo

BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE Paul VI Audience Hall Wednesday, 5 March 2008 Saint Leo the Great Dear Brothers and Sisters, Continuing our journey through the Fathers of the Church, true...

Pope Saint Leo, the First of the Greats

Pope Saint Leo, the first pontiff to earn the title 'the Great', reigned from 440 until his death on this day in 461, was...

Duns Scotus and Pope Benedict

BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE Paul VI Hall Wednesday, 7 July 2010   John Duns Scotus Dear Brothers and Sisters, This morning, after several Catecheses on various great theologians, I would like...

Saint Leonard of Noblac – or Limoges

Not much is known about today's saint, who, by what accounts we have, died in 559 A.D. And those accounts date only from the...

Charles Borromeo Leads the True Reformation

The memorial of Saint Charles Borromeo (1538-1584) commemorates one of the great pillars - along with Saint Robert Bellarmine, Philip Neri and countless others...

All the Myriads of Saints

A blessed solemnity of All Saints to all our readers, a feast that goes back to its official institution by Pope Gregory III (731...

Pope Benedict and All the Saints

  HOLY MASS ON THE SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS HOMILY OF HIS HOLINESS BENEDICT XVI Vatican Basilica Wednesday, 1 November 2006   Dear Brothers and Sisters, Our Eucharistic celebration began with...

The Courageous Legacy of Blessed Rosario Livatino

October 29th is the liturgical memorial of Blessed Rosario Angelo Livatino who was assassinated by the Sicilian mafia group Stidda on September 21, 1990. His...

Saint Joseph, Head of The Holy Family

(In light of today's first reading from the fifth chapter of Ephesians, on the headship of the husband in the family, here are some...

Simon, Jude and Desperate Causes

All of the Apostles have a feast day, and on this 28th of October, we celebrate Saints Simon and Jude, the latter, in particular, being invoked...