The Eyes of the Heart: A Movie Review of “Prince of Foxes”

  Year:  1949  Filming:  Black & White  Length:  107 minutes  Genre:  Adventure/Drama/History/Swashbuckler  Maturity:  PG (for intense thematic elements) Cast:  Tyrone Power (Andrea Orsini), Orson Welles (Cesare Borgia), Wanda Hendrix (Camilla...

Pilgrim Eagle: A Review of Charles A. Coulombe’s History Text Puritan’s Empire

  “This above all: To thine own self be true.”   -William Shakespeare       Puritan’s Empire by Charles A. Coulombe is a unique tour-de-force of American history from a Catholic...

Glorying in Glass: A Movie Review of “Snow White and the Huntsman”

Year:  2012  Filming:  Color  Length:  127 minutes  Genre:  Drama/Adventure/Fantasy  Maturity:  PG-13 (for intense themes, scary images, and fantasy violence) Cast:  Kristen Stewart (Snow White), Chris Hemsworth (the Huntsman), Charlize Theron (Ravenna), Sam Claflin (Prince William),...

Bound by a Seal: A Movie Review of “I Confess”

Year: 1953 Filming: Black & White Length: 95 minutes Genre: Drama/Inspirational/Religious/Suspense Maturity: PG (for intense thematic elements) Cast: Montgomery Clift (Fr. Michael Logan), Anne Baxter (Ruth Grandfort), O.E. Hass...

So Let it Be Written: A Movie Review of the Ten Commandments

(A recent review of an older film, the Ten Commandments hearkens back to a more golden, and more innocent, era of Hollywood.  Much better...

Ant-Man vs. Daredevil

(As a bit of light-hearted reading before the issuance of the Holy Father’s Apostolic Letter later today, here are some thoughts on two superheroes,...

On the Lord’s Appearing: A Review

(From the archives, but always new, here is a review of an excellent book by Father Jonathan Robinson, provost of the Toronto Oratory.  A...

Mission Impossible: To Make a Real Movie

I finally got around recently to watching the fifth instalment of the Mission Impossible franchise.  As expected, it was slick and high-budget, with impressive...

Captain Philips

I just took in the new American-everyman Tom Hank's movie, Captain Philips which, surprisingly from its limited quality, has made over $218 million so...

Marie of the Incarnation: A Canadian Mystic

Marie de l’Incarnation: Études de théologie spirituelle by Pierre Gervais, S.J.:  A Review   Pierre Gervais is a Canadian-born Jesuit, professor of systematic, sacramental, and spiritual...