Sensible Miss Austen

It’s hard to contain my pleasure or my surprise at the continuing interest in Jane Austen. The more-or-less successful adaptations of her books for...

Love and Friendship: A Film Review

Love & Friendship (2016) Written and Directed by Whit Stillman Based on Jane Austen’s Lady Susan Whit Stillman’s partiality for Jane Austen is obvious in his first...

Fires of Faith: Catholic England under Mary Tudor

(Saint Thomas More was put to death on July 6th, even though we celebrate his feast on June 22nd, the day when his compatriot...

Calvary (2014): A Film Review of a Tragedy

The following review was written by Father Callam for an anthology, and is re-posted here, signifying Hollywood's continued fascination with the image of the...

A Review of Father Jonathan Robinson’s “The Mass and Modernity”

Jonathan Robinson, The Mass and Modernity: Walking to Heaven Backwards. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2005. (First published in the Chesterton Review) When I mentioned Father...

A traditional gem from a young composer: a review of “New Catholic Hymns”

It is unusual to encounter newly-written sacred music that appeals to traditional hymnodic taste; perhaps it is unsurprising that when such music does appear,...

Tolkien’s Legacy

The death of Christopher Tolkien as a nonagenarian ends a legacy, for it was this youngest son of the great J.R.R. that took –...

Treasure and Tradition: The Ultimate Guide to the Latin Mass

“This is not a ‘religious service’ or a scripture class; this is Heaven on Earth: it is where our God comes to us.” The...

The Holy Rosary Through the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich

Compiled and edited by Fr. Mark Higgins Catholic Way Publishing, 2019 ISBN-13: 978-1-78379-510-9 Paperback CDN$13.08 on In modern-day Marian apparitions, Our Blessed Mother repeats her urgent message:...

Ordination and Marriage in Hitchcock’s ‘I Confess’

(This analysis of Alfred Hitchock's film noir classic 'I Confess' offers some key insights, but, as a caveat, also gives away elements of the...