Paul set no store by the things that fill our visible world, any more than a man sets value on the withered grass of...

To hope that any other will please me does wrong to my Spouse. I will be his who first chose me for himself. Executioner,...

We ought to boast about the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom we have our salvation, life and resurrection,* through whom we...

I have my room, some books and a nearby chapel. That is complete happiness. - St. Miguel of Ecuador

Seeing the sun, the moon and the stars, I said to myself, 'Who could be the Master of these beautiful things?' I felt a...

I shall spend every moment loving. One who loves does not notice her trials; or perhaps more accurately, she is able to love them....

The reason why Christ is unknown today is because His Mother is unknown - Saint John Henry Newman

Eighty and six years have I served Christ, nor has He ever done me any harm. How, then, could I blaspheme my King who...

The best penance is to have patience with the sorrows God permits. A very good penance is to dedicate oneself to fulfill the duties...

In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; you...