Prayer should be the means by which I, at all times, receive all that I need, and, for this reason, be my daily refuge,...

In dangers, in anguish, in doubt, think of Mary, call upon Mary. Let her name be ever on your lips, ever in your heart;...

Seek God in all things and you shall find God by your side (Saint Peter Claver, +1654)

Look, my daughter, at My Heart, surrounded with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce Me at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. You...

The pastor should always be pure in thought ... no impurity ought to pollute him who has undertaken the office of wiping away the...

Let Christians follow the example of Christ who worked as a craftsman; let them be proud of the opportunity to carry out their earthly...

I am not the Christ; I have been sent before him to prepare his way. He must increase, and I must decrease. (Saint John...

Late have I loved you, O Beauty, ever ancient, ever new - late have I loved you! (Saint Augustine, +430)

And now thou didst ‘stretch forth thy hand from above’ and didst draw up my soul out of that profound darkness, because my mother,...

Statistics are the triumph of the quantitative method, and the quantitative method is the victory of sterility and death. (Hilaire Belloc, +1953)