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      Gerard Manley Hopkins’ The Wreck of the Deutschland: Searching for God in Suffering

      In The Wreck of the Deutschland, Gerard Manley Hopkins vividly presents the struggle of man to see the hand of God in the midst...

      Vivaldi and Piergolesi’s Stabat Maters

      For Lenten music on this Second Sunday, you will enjoy Vivaldi's Stabat Mater, an elegiac piece composed sometime before 1727, when it premiered, based...

      That All May Be One

      “I pray that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also...

      Book Review: As We Worship So We Become: Meditations, Prayers and Devotions to the...

      Rev. Marco Testa, As We Worship So We Become: Meditations, Prayers and Devotions to the Most Holy Sacrament of The Altar: 2023. The Holy Sacrifice...

      The Myth of “Hitler’s Pope”

      Now and then we hear someone who is not well educated in history complain that Hitler was a Catholic and that the Vatican was...

      Found money

      I am always trying to forget what I know—and to find what I don’t know. - G. K. Chesterton When I drive home from work,...

      Argumentative Starting Points

      Jesus provides us with a motive for acting, viz., the love of God, which in practical terms produces a love of our neighbours. The...

      Who is Our King?

      As Moses prepared the Israelites to enter the Promised Land he prophesied that they would ask for a king, “I will set a king...

      Tents, Migrants and Multiculturalism

      With all the immigrants, purported refugees, if you will, streaming across the border into Canada, we are perforce becoming what is euphemistically termed a...

      Bossuet and Protestantism

      Jacques Bénigne Bossuet (1627-1704), bishop of Meaux, lived in a time shortly after the Reformation. A bishop of much lustre, Bossuet frequented Versailles, preaching...