When King Herod was holding court, all the best and brightest newspapers, reporters, gossip-mongers, and talking heads were constantly in attendance trying to get...
CBC Exposed
CBC Exposed
by Brian Lilley
Freedom Press, 2012
ISBN: 978-0-98816-910-4
Softcover, pp. 185; price: $22.36 CAD
My relationship with the CBC as a listener ended about a decade ago...
Is Superman still a Christian hero?
What if a child dreamed of becoming something other than what society intended?
What if a child aspired to something greater?
(Jor-El, Man of Steel)
In June 1938,...
Redeeming Grief
I think that the worst part of being upset about something is the side effects that come from crying. Just a few tears and...
So you want to be a radical?
How many of us walk by the kiosks where the lottery tickets are sold and just for a second imagine what it would be...
Abuse. Blasphemy. Communion in the hand?
"I'm heartbroken to announce that last week, we discovered a crushed consecrated Host beneath one of the kneelers," the pastor of a small yet...
Mother as Tabernacle
"Can a woman forget her nursing child, or have no compassion for the child of her womb?” (Isaiah 49:15)
Can you imagine a woman who...
Glass Shops and Churches
One of the towns that my family frequently stays in is Alliance, Nebraska. It’s a relatively small town: population 8500. The first few times...
How to Change the World
In light of the building collapse in Bangladesh, the media has turned to the ethics of our clothing trades…again. Clothing lines like Joe Fresh...
The virgin who loves sex
“Chastity charms: we hand out the little hearts, but not the key. That way, nobody can open the lock forever, and ladies, that’s what...