The problem of modesty
Sometimes I have scruples about the things I write, worrying whether words will be misconstrued or pert opinions come across as doctrine. There haven’t...
The Idiot Within
When my family is actually home, we live very close to the main route to the beach. Starting around Spring Break, the roads suddenly...
Homophobia: Or, why gays are like spiders.
In my search for an apartment in LA, I came across a Craigslist posting for two people looking for a third roommate. In their...
Pain: God’s Megaphone
All manifestations of God, like the Blessed Sacrament, are concealments as well. Everywhere God is veiled; Everywhere he works underground; Everywhere he sets up...
Archbishop Prendergast supports private Catholic schools
The following are remarks given by Archbishop Prendergast at the Wayside Academy Gala on Saturday, 8 June 2013. You can read an account and...
Can you imagine what it would be like to watch your best friend being tortured to death? Nearly naked—missing most of his clothing and...
The trouble with revolutions
In the first chapter of The Scarlet Pimpernel, Baroness Emma Orczy paints a gruesome image of the dark side of revolutions. She writes that the...
Canada’s March for Life 2013
Campaign Life Coalition is a national pro-life organization that defends the human race against social injustices such as abortion, euthanasia, and physician-assisted suicide. Their...
Grown Up Friends
When I was younger, my friends would talk about what it would be like to be a “grown up.” They all seemed to be...
Dominion Day
July 1, 1867: the day when three British colonies became four provinces of the new Dominion of Canada. Canada’s Confederation Day or, as it used...