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      Religious Environmentalism and Population Control

      Seems like those who give their hearts and souls to environmentalism are the only canonized saints these days: those who fight the good fight...

      Waiting and Knitting and Hoping

      About twelve years ago, I learned how to knit. I learned the basics and then set it aside for a few years. Eventually, I...

      Catholic marriage: you’re worth it.

      A few days ago, one of my fellow bloggers posted an article entitled, “Marry that virtuous Atheist!” I respect Mary’s opinion—but I think she...

      Always rejoice

      There is something about whining and complaining that’s utterly depressing, isn't there? Not only does it bring you down, it drags down everyone else around you...

      Ideas incarnate

      A few weeks ago I began the gargantuan task of liberating my family’s books. They were jailed several years ago when we began traveling...

      Argo: Hollywood gets the hostage treatment

      R for some language and violent images Warner Bros. Pictures Directed by Ben Affleck Cast: Ben Affleck, Alan Arkin, Bryan Cranston, Victor Garber, John Goodman Screenplay: Chris Terrio Ben...

      Moments of Silence Amidst Feral Dogs

      Last autumn I was in Greece. I spent three months living on the Peloponnese, retreating from the world as I knew it, wandering through...

      Whom do you serve?

      At the back of our parish there is a poster with two pictures on it. The first picture is of a computer/TV screen and...

      True love

      Each year between January and March, my family moves out into the wide world. Some of us go to college, others go to work,...

      Felix Culpa

      At the bank a few years back, my friendly teller and I were chatting in the way that sometimes happens when you are about the...