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      The Gospel of Mark, Part IV: A Prelude to the Passion and Resurrection

      Roughly half of the narrative of the public life of Jesus is devoted to miracles, selected with obvious care. To begin with are all...

      Are you a Feminist?

      A few months ago I took an online survey called Are you a feminist? I eagerly clicked through the questions because, in all honesty, I did...

      Our Lady, Assumed

      A blessed and joyous solemnity of the Assumption to one and all, a day commemorating the taking up of the Virgin Mary, body and...

      Protecting Life Boldly in Malta

      Presently the Maltese parliament is discussing an amendment which, if approved, will introduce abortion to Malta. As we know Malta, together with Andorra in...

      Good Shepherd Sunday

      Has any one of you ever been a shepherd? or even seen one? Do shepherds exist in contemporary North America? Nevertheless, we know instinctively...

      Three Dissenters: Kung, O’Toole, Trudeau

      On April 6th, at the age of 93, Father Hans Kung went to meet his God, along with the Christ he didn't seem to...

      Place at Table

      He died twelve years ago Love of her life, joy of her heart Father of her children Grandfather always with a smile Taken after a short illness Cancer stricken...

      The Message of Pope Benedict for Lent from 2010

      MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS BENEDICT XVI FOR LENT 2010   “The justice of God has been manifested through faith in Jesus Christ” (cf. Rm 3, 21-22)   Dear Brothers and Sisters! Each year,...

      Christ the King

      An Irish bull is a statement that is, strictly speaking, illogical and yet whose meaning is somehow clear. Yogi Berra, a baseball player of...

      The Grace of Divine Mercy

      On Sunday 24 April 2022, the Second Sunday of Easter, we celebrate the Divine Mercy Sunday. During the 1930’s St Maria Faustina Kowalska received...