A Review of Adrian Owen’s “Into the Gray Zone: A Neuroscientist Explores the Border...

Imagine that you could communicate with someone in a coma. What kinds of questions would you ask? Maybe you would ask if they had...

Is Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder?

College professors sometimes have too much time on their hands. While digging around in the crypt of an old medieval library in Oxford, I...

Water in the Wasteland: Unexpected Elements of Hope and Redemption in Television...

I am the kind of person who sometimes derives hope from unusual things. As a lover of stories, I often will comment that a...

Thought Control Totalitarianism, in Canada?

We here in the grand Dominion of Canada have passed some very bad laws of late, sadly during what should be an otherwise celebratory 150th...

Speaking the Lingo of the Millennials: Social and Religious Justice

Many members of the Millennial generation are strongly concerned with social justice. They are die-hard Democrats (or NDPers, in the Canadian context), and leftism...

Beat the Devil

The British agnostic philosopher Bertrand Russell said he could not believe in Satan because the very notion of a devil was not even probable,...

Whence and What Authority?

“Some are born great, some achieve greatness, some have greatness thrust upon them…”   So quoted Malvolio in Shakespseare’s Twelfth Night (albeit as he read from a letter...

A Lesson in Para Bellum: Knight of the Long Knives

History does not repeat itself, but it rhymes. – Mark Twain Si vis pacem, para bellum - If you want peace, prepare for war. This weekend...

Canada and Postmodernism’s Poster Boy

I would like to offer a reflection on the link between postmodernism and the state of our nation, its ruling government and the 23rd...

Silence as the Fullness of Being

O God, who shall be like thee? Do not be silent, do not be restrained, O God (Ps. lxxxii). I admit that Shūsaku Endō’s Silence is...