Praying for and with All the Holy Souls

A blessed All Souls’ Day to all our readers. Here is an article from our archives, which sums up the Church's tradition of praying...

How to Destroy the Family in Six Easy Lessons: The Beelzebul Method

I am known by many names like Beelzebul, Mephistopheles, or Satan. When I was created, God called me Lucifer, but I prefer--Prince of Darkness....

American Oracles: Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt

In 2014 there was an incident in Colorado that would jolt the sensibilities of many older Americans. At one school district, students organized to...

The Primacy of the Family, and Children

It has always been difficult for the homilist to preach on the feast of the Holy Family. In the old days, the priest would...

Mary, Mother of God

Do you have a new year’s resolution such as losing weight?  Getting more exercise?  Spending more time with family?  Doing more volunteer work?  Learning...

The Lenten Fast for Today’s Catholic

Can there be a shorter account of Our Lord’s forty days in the desert than the one from Saint Mark? It omits not only...

True Mercy and False Sentimentality: An Address

We hear much of mercy, which in its Latin original is derived from miser (sad) and cordia (heart).  In his one question in the...

Our Lady, Help of Christians

Today is the memorial of Our Lady Help of Christians, a title that seems first to have been used by Saint John Chrysostom, patriarch...

Human Words and the Divine Word

Speaking to her beloved Romeo, Juliet says, "What's in a name?  That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as...

Everything Hinges on How We Respond to Christ’s Word

And Jesus could do no deed of power there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and cured them. And...