Saints Newman and Paul’s Logical Minds

Much of the pleasure in writing about John Henry Newman comes from the opportunity to quote his exquisite prose. Consider this statement from a...

The Meaning of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

If a Supreme Court Justice said it was all right to abort your baby, then it was all right! For women everywhere and particularly...

The Divine Kenosis, Self-Gift and Sacrifice

Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus (Phil. 6:14). ⧾ Our second reading includes an ancient canticle or hymn that...

That We May See What Maritain Saw

Born and raised in the age of the horse and buggy, the Frenchman Jacques Maritain (1882-1973) is widely regarded as the 20th Century's most...

Peter Philips – Exiled English Composer

Last summer, I had the opportunity to attend the Canadian Renaissance Summer Music School in London, Ontario. The week was filled with an abundance...

Who are the Workers in the Vineyard?

. . . the rabbis said: “Solomon had three thousand parables to illustrate each and every verse , and a thousand and five interpretations...

The Unjust Steward, Humility and the Libido Dominandi

Remember the commandments, and do not be angry with your neighbour; remember the covenant of the Most High, and overlook faults (Sir. 28:7). ⧾ The...

Orestes Brownson Refutes Atheism

“When the Son of Man comes, will there be faith on earth?” Luke 18:8 Orestes A. Brownson (1803 –1876) was among the most original and...

What of Married Saints?

Glance at any catalogue of saints and you will be struck, as I was, at how few of them were married. There are Mary...

China: An Existential Threat

Not to have a correct political point of view is like having no soul –Mao Zedong With Richard Nixon’s official visit to China in 1972,...