Second Sunday of Advent and the Church in Quebec

‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight’ (Mt. 3:3) ⧾ The Gospel of the Mass on this second Sunday of Advent introduces...

The Subjective Monster

There is an ancient Indian fable of six blind men who meet an elephant. Each of them touches different parts of the elephant. One...

The Courage of Bishop Michael Power: Crucial For Our Times  

In 1842, when Father Michael Power, a Haligonian born of Irish parents, was consecrated as the first bishop of the newly formed Diocese of...

Fatima 1917 and 2020

“Now is the time to do what you’re told,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, November 13, 2020, as many Americans brace themselves for further lockdowns to...

St Joseph Moscati: a Faithful Labourer in the Vineyard of the Lord  

On November 16th  we, as a Church, celebrate the feast day of Saint Joseph Moscati, or, as he is commonly known by many who...

Finding Interest in the Ritual of Mass

More times than I can count I have been told by young men and women that they do not attend Mass because they find...

An Unholy Triumvirate

The Communist Party cannot be neutral toward religion. It stands for science, and all religion is opposed to science. ~ Joseph Stalin  The religions are...

A Protestant Gentleman, Predestined?

He was a good man, in the old Scottish Presbyterian phrase, God-ward and man-ward. - Sir Walter Scott, The Antiquary Leslie Hamilton Neatby who died...

Is University Worth It?

As cliché as it sounds, we are living in unprecedented times.  This is no less true in colleges and universities than it is elsewhere. ...

A 21st Century Dies Irae – in Conversation with Composer Thomas Crow

Please introduce yourself and your relationship with Faith and Music. My name is Thomas Crow and I am a Catholic Composer from Wakefield in England....