Is University Worth It?

As cliché as it sounds, we are living in unprecedented times.  This is no less true in colleges and universities than it is elsewhere. ...

Post Epiphany

The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord marks the end of the Christmas Season and the beginning of Ordinary Time. It is a...

Under the Holy Cloak of St. Joseph, Patron the Universal Church and Patron of...

This past week, in the cycle of readings for ferial Masses, we read the story of the Patriarch Joseph. It is a story rich...

Fifteenth Sunday: Applying the Parables

Then the disciples came and asked Jesus, ‘Why do you speak to them in parables?’ He answered, ‘To you it has been given to...

Everything Hinges on How We Respond to Christ’s Word

And Jesus could do no deed of power there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and cured them. And...

Sto Lat! Pope John Paul II’s Centenary, and Pope John I

On this May 18th, as we celebrate the first Pontiff with the name of the beloved disciple – and more on him in a...

Amoris and the Sacramentality of Marriage

How are Catholic couples meant to interpret Amoris Laetitia? When already a fog of confusion surrounds the question of whether or not the divorced...

Whence and What Authority?

“Some are born great, some achieve greatness, some have greatness thrust upon them…”   So quoted Malvolio in Shakespseare’s Twelfth Night (albeit as he read from a letter...

Losing Canada

When the cross atop Mount Royal was first erected in 1924, the Montreal Gazette described it as “a memorial to the survival of the Canadian people, whose...

The Birth of John the Liminal and Luminous Baptist

We celebrate the birthdays of three ‘saints’ in our liturgical calendar: Christ Himself, the Son of God, of course, on Christmas Day; His Mother,...