Saint Paul’s Conversion
Paul VI Audience Hall
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Saint Paul (3)
St Paul's "Conversion".
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Today's Catechesis is dedicated to the experience that Paul...
The Play’s the Thing – A Man for All Seasons
Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College is presenting A Man for All Seasons, by Robert Bolt, as our annual drama production. Performances are on...
Pope Pius XI’s Letter on Saint Francis de Sales
(One hundred and two years ago, on the 26th of January, 1923, Pope Pius XI promulgated an encyclical on Saint Francis de Sales on...
Saint Francis de Sales and the Joy of Salvation
It would be ironic if on this feast of the patron saint of writers, as well as this week dedicated to Christian unity, we...
Saint Marianne Cope and Her Lepers
Saint Marianne Cope (+1918), whose memorial is on this January 23rd, was an American-born Sister of the Third Order of Saint Francis, who spent...
The Catholic Conqueror, Charles Martel
(As Europe confronts the problems of mass immigration, especially from Muslim nations, with yet another deadly stabbing by a 'mentally disturbed' Afghan asylum seeker,...
Saint Agnes and the Courage of Chastity
'Tis incumbent upon us in these days, so inimical to anything chaste and pure, to remind ourselves of the genius of the feminine and...
Second Sunday: Do Whatever He Tells You
His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you’ (Jn. 2:5). ⧾
In the Gospel of St. John which we have just heard,...
The Hidden, Mystical Life of Servant of God Rozalia Celak
Kraków is an immensely popular pilgrimage destination and undoubtedly the most frequented tourist city in Poland. It is a home to over 350 Roman...
Constantine the Great
Tertullian rightly said that the blood of the early martyrs became the seed of Christianity. Hardly anything can be so impressive to those outside...