The future of the Church

I speak a great deal at Catholic and pro-life venues in Canada, the United States, and Britain. It’s perhaps the aspect of my professional...

Liberal Complaisance

As this interminable election process lumbers on, like a dying African elephant stumbling through the savannah, only to curl up beside some fetid swamp,...

Why we need the Church

I read the story beneath the title with trepidation but, truth be told, with more than a little resignation. A Montreal deacon had been...

Terrorism in France: The Enemy in their Midst

The massacre in Paris yesterday marks the beginning, we may presume, of other tragedies to come.  Well over one hundred dead, hundreds more injured,...

Words can hurt, but abortions do kill

If you know anything about Ann Coulter you will know that she adores controversy and likes nothing more than to annoy her critics—and that’s...

Political ‘Knifing’?

I have been meaning to comment on a ridiculous article in the National Post at the end of August, but one which does pertain,...

No compromise on love or truth

Newman Centre’s St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Toronto has had its share of controversy. When I first attended Mass there in the late 1980s...

Teaching kids Latin

Whenever the census in Canada rolls round, I suspect that I am one of the few people who, in the box where one reports...

A gentle, thoughtful man

Meet Father Zakaria Boutros—a gentle, thoughtful man, one of the leading figures of the Egyptian Coptic Christian community and now obliged to live in...

But for the grace of God

Every Christmas my family and I read aloud Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. And every Christmas we thoroughly enjoy it and are impressed with how...