The Sad Interview with Jean Vanier Supporting Medical Aid in Dying
Alas, the capitulations continue. A few days ago, I listened on the CBC to an interview with the great Jean Vanier, the founder of...
The True Myth: Easter as the Greatest Story Ever Told
Human beings have always been story-tellers. Since the earliest days, we have striven to express our new-found ability to understand reality and interact more...
Not Peace but a Sword: The Great Chasm Between Christianity and Islam
Robert Spencer, Not Peace but a Sword: The Great Chasm Between Christianity and Islam. San Diego: Catholic Answers, 2013, p.251.
By Scott Ventureyra
Robert Spencer is...
5th. Sunday of Easter: Abide in Me as I abide in you
Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abide in the vine, neither...
Follow with response and reflection
I am a faithful Catholic and a faithful Catholic journalist, meaning that while much of my writing and broadcasting has no direct connection with...
A Church reacting well, wisely, and properly
We haven’t heard very much about the so-called clergy abuse crisis recently, but you can be sure that if the mainstream media manages to...
Christmas reflections
House of Bread. Bethlehem. The place where He was born. It may not have been in a stable and it was likely not in...
Goodness from around the web..
Highlight of the week:
All Hipsters Eventually Become Catholic by Edmund Mitchell
"The new hipster loves going to daily Mass at his parish, where the pews...
The future of Catholicism
When a publisher telephones and asks for a new book, written quickly, there is only one response: a high- pitched, only partly controlled “yes.”...