A Serendipitous Pilgrimage

I was driving home the other day from a delightful visit with friends and family over the holiday weekend on a lovely remote property – no cell reception! – when, taking a turn in the road on the way home, I came across this church in the picturesque village of Calabogie:

If one reads the print on the cornerstone, it is indeed one of the few churches dedicated to the Precious Blood, as we mentioned in a previous post, a nearly-forgotten devotion in the wake of the liturgical revisions, but one much-needed to be regained. And this, on July 2nd, the day after the traditional Feast of the Precious Blood (still in the usus antiquior), and the beginning of the month dedicated to this devotion.

There are no coincidences in God’s providence. Rather, there are confirmations, and it’s always heartening to have a drive home – through some of the most beautiful scenery in God’s good earth – turn into a serendipitous pilgrimage.