Justin Trudeau and the Long, Long….Long Goodbye

Napoleon once quipped that if you want to discover a man’s character, don’t make him suffer; rather, give him power. By their fruits ye shall know them. The Canadian people – at least, enough of them – bestowed such power on Justin Trudeau when he was elected Prime Minister ten years ago – it seems much, much longer – and what we discovered was not pleasant, no, not pleasant at all. A decade from the black lagoon, far from the ‘sunny ways’ promised. Was he the worst Prime Minster in history? It’s hard to say. Trudeau Senior may have been worse in his own way with his socialist policies, and he certainly began the decline that Trudeau Junior has just about completed.

Here are just a few of the bitter fruits of his reign:

  1. The legalization of euthanasia – or physician-assisted murder-suicide – which distorts the entire medical system, turning healers into murderers. How far are we from MAiD being involuntary, a la Adolf Hitler and his T-4 program?
  2. His disconcerting zeal for abortion, increasing funding for ‘reproductive health services’ overseas, when the U.S. cut such monetary aid for pre-born murder. He also ensured that Liberal Party members would toe the line, and so imperil their souls.
  3. The legalization of marijuana, a drug which only has deleterious consequences on its users, not least the young. He’s turned us into a nation of stultified dope-heads.
  4. Out-of-control spending, doubling the debt, spiraling inflation, with the consequent devaluation of the dollar, and economic chaos. Even basic necessities are becoming quite simply unaffordable for the average Canadian.
  5. Climate-change zealotry, and his imposition of the much-hated punitive carbon tax, the intent of which is to force us to use less fuel. It now costs Canadians a small fortune to heat their homes and drive their cars, if they can still do either – again, two basic necessities in this vast and cold country.
  6. Permitting, if not promoting, untrammeled immigration to flood the nation, overburdening to breaking point the already-burdened social services, not least housing and the medical system.
  7. Hence, home prices are now out of reach for almost all Canadians, even ‘starters’ and ‘fixer uppers’. Mortgages will soon have to be multi-generational, like in Europe, if young families can get approved at all.
  8. Making ‘conversion therapy’ illegal for those suffering from disordered sexual attractions or proclivities, so that those who would like help can never find it.
  9. His over-heated rhetoric and blame, especially against ‘colonialism’ and the Church, which has unnecessarily divided Canadians and exacerbated latent grievances, not least on the Indigenous question, which may have been healed, and now may likely never be.
  10. His ‘on-line harms bill’ which would have made free speech illegal and all but impossible. This Orwellian law may fortunately die now that he has prorogued Parliament.
  11. He has bought and paid for – with your tax dollars – every mainstream media with government subsidies, so that they, and not just the execrable CBC, have all become censorious Pravda-esque sycophantic mouthpieces of the Liberal agenda, which is to say, Trudeau’s own opinions.
  12. His complicity with the Chinese Communist Party, admiring their ‘basic dictatorship’, which he would have loved to instantiate. We had a taste of his latent tyranny during his draconian Covid decrees – some of the worst in the world – and his disproportionate militaristic response to the Freedom convoy, invoking the War Measures Act against peaceful protestors, freezing bank accounts, and imprisoning innocent Canadians, in their homes, and in prisons.
  13. Gutting the military, and foisting woke transgenderized nonsense on soldiers. He was a supporter of D.E.I. all the way to ruin. And that’s before we get started on his (and other leaders’ across the world) kowtowing to Islam.
  14. Demeaning the Church to which he professes to belong, claiming to be ‘Catholic’, while violating any number of her fundamental teachings. Why he was not confronted by our bishops is a mystery, but perhaps not a surprising one. After all, Trudeau Senior got a full church funeral, with all the fixings and eulogies.
  15. All in all, he was a sad embarrassment to Canada on the world stage – black-face, Hindu get-up, abasement at the feet of Trump. His weepy final farewell speech stands as a sad testament to what legacy he leaves.

Oh, there’s more, but you get the drift. I for one can’t think of anything – not one thing – good that Trudeau has done for this country, or its people. Please do send something along if anything comes to mind. Even his family life has fallen apart, and one wonders what shambles his personal life must be like.

I don’t know the demons with which he struggles, or with which he has made a truce. That’s between his soul and God. Nor do I know how much of the above was him, or people, powers and principalities behind him. Whatever his role, the man leaves a lot of ruin and evil in his wake, and Canadians can’t wait to slam the door on his backside. He’s like the unpleasant drunk guest who has well outworn his welcome, wrecking the furniture, thinks the party is all about him, refusing to go home, and only slowly – too slowly – stumbles his way towards the exit, with occasional glances backward to see if anyone wants him to stay, just a little longer…And, to be clear, he’s still Prime Minister, for he has only stated his intention to resign, with the actual resignation sometime in the future, when the Liberals elect a new leader. He’s still at the party, and can still do what damage he might, even in a prorogued Parliament.

But here is just one window into the reaction of the average Canadian hearing the news of that intention. Although I share their relief, it’s still sort of sad that one man could evoke so much antipathy and schadenfreude:

As he recedes from the limelight to the twilight – he’ll gets some sinecure somewhere – we should pray for his conversion to the Truth, and repentance for what he’s wrought. If Dante were alive today and writing a Canadian Divina Commedia, we know where he’d likely put him, but I’d like to see Trudeau in heaven, just as I hope the same for everyone else. But only he can choose that hard and narrow path to which God calls us all.

It will be a tough slog for Canada ever to recover from the chaotic mess left by years of the two Trudeaus (not that the ‘Conservatives’ were much better, but they were at least less worse). May Our Lady, Saint Joseph and Holy Canadian Martyrs, pray for us and for our fair Dominion, that she now pick up the pieces, rebuild, remembering what she once was, and be so again. +