Supporting the Right to Life in South Dakota

A reader sent in the follow request, to pray and support the cause of life in South Dakota, which has been a ‘pro-life’ state, but may soon become a pro-death with the upcoming vote and elections on November 5th. As he alludes, with the fall of Roe, the battle for life is now state by state, Here are his words, which we post for all, but especially for those residents of South Dakota:

At this time the enemies of life after the reversal of Roe v. Wade are making an effort to abolish the protection of unborn children in pro-life states one by one until there are no protections. They have already succeeded in Ohio and Michigan additionally pro-life ballot measures have been defeated in five other states. At the moment they are targeting my state South Dakota with a deceptive measure known as Amendment G, that would enshrine unrestricted abortion into my state’s constitution.
Right now we find yourselves at a crucial turning point that will determine the future of the right to life in America as enshrined in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. There is a group I am a member of known as the Jericho Wall that is leading the effort against this travesty. The Jericho Wall is the group’s website and there are some prayers for life alongside the mission statement. Please spread the word about our struggle we need as many prayer warriors as possible in the days and weeks ahead.