Embryos and Adoption

We’ve written before in these pages on the ontological and moral status of pre-born embryos, and the hundreds of thousands of them kept in cold storage. See Aedan Reidy’s excellent analysis, and my own lesser take, after a pro-life talk last year. Here also is a just-posted article from First Things by Ericka Anderson on the current state of this horror show, which so many think so good, even ‘pro-life’. Rather, the IVF industry is an insidious evil, and these unborn children treated as ‘products’, slaves of the desires of those who ‘own’ them. As the 2008 Instruction, Dignitatis Pesonae put it,

“All things considered, it needs to be recognized that the thousands of abandoned embryos represent a situation of injustice which in fact cannot be resolved”.

To paraphrase Pope John Paul II, this has to end, before we descend into ever-greater depths of darkness.

Who Owns the Embryos?