A pithy paragraph from Mark Steyn, summing up much in a few words:
It was five years ago that the entire western world except Sweden replaced various forms of self-government with a completely new, homogeneous system. In the west’s new lockdownocracies, no contradiction was too stupid not to be swallowed: the same “public health” officials who presumed to decree how many relatives you could have over for Thanksgiving and to insist that circles be painted every six feet down the sidewalk outside Starbucks were happy to let Black Lives Matter and antifa hold non-socially-distanced riots every night because racism is a “public health” issue. An unvaccinated New Yorker could not work as a waitress, but on the Rio Grande millions of persons of unknown vaccination and/or Covid status could simply walk into the country.
Five years seems like a long time ago, yet, also too vivid and real. The New York Times has printed an apologia of sorts, for their own role in the global censorship of sanity.
And I fear Mr. Steyn may be right in his conclusion:
And yet Lockdown remains the ruling class’s model for your future.
They will find a reason, and one seems already in the works. More on that, anon.
And, on a note of hope, by the bye, resistance is never futile.