(What follows is an open letter to the editor of various local papers where I live, and I thought it would do for a wider audience, with the author’s permission. What’s in the works here, is in the works across Canada, and will only get worse should Mark Carney ever become Prime Minster. I’ve wondered how far Canadians will go in acquiescing to their leader’s insane policies – as the first line alludes – and whenever I think, ‘thus far, and no further’, well, the line is crossed, yet again…Editor).
I once heard someone say, “When reason is eclipsed, monsters are unleashed”. The following is a tale of an eclipse of reason with monstrous results.
Some weeks ago Renfrew County Council received recommendations for a county “Climate Action Plan” , presented by representatives from Ainsworth Consulting back in November. This plan does not target local concerns, but comes directly from the U.N. Sustainability Development Goals (articulated in the U.N. Brundtland Commission Report in 1987) which clearly states, among other things, that your land cannot be treated like an ordinary asset controlled by individuals but must come under the control of governments to fulfill their objectives.
If these recommendations are implemented as is, they would come with enormous costs both socially and economically for Renfrew County with, I submit, catastrophic results. Just to give an idea of the costs involved, Ainsworth was paid over 70,000 dollars of your taxes (even if it was grant money), just for their consultation.
The implementation of electric fleets, and other “green” infrastructure in itself, would consume local budgets.
The Ainsworth objectives come directly from the U.N. playbook for reducing CO2, which they deem a dangerous pollutant… driving “Catastrophic Climate Change”. Even by the U.N.’s own assertion, this is an eclipse of reason. In 2001 the U.N. International Panel on Climate Change wrote “The climate system is a coupled non-linear chaotic system and therefore long-term predictions of future climate states is not possible.” That’s using their own reasoning.
Just to give a taste of what the county will be facing through implementing the U.N. goals stated in Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050:
Agenda 2030 aims among other things for “Zero meat and milk consumption by 2030“, hence the cricket farms Trudeau sponsored in southern Ontario, and the targeting of cows due to “dangerous” “greenhouse (methane)gas emissions” from their belching and passing gas.
More generally the objective of these U.N. Agendas is to abolish private homes, animal farming, private vehicles, gas powered vehicles, and to control what we eat, how many trips we take….The Ainsworth project involves the collection of our data in all these areas which brings up serious privacy concerns on top of it.
Another look at an “eclipse of reason”: the goal of Agenda 2050 is to get to “Net Zero carbon emissions”. One counsellor remarked at the Ainsworth presentation, that Canada has millions of acres of trees that act as a carbon sink and that we are already below net zero. (Maggie Braun of ICLEI in her Ontario report approximates that we sink 3 times the amount of carbon that we produce in Ontario).
His reply was, “Existing natural infrastructure like forests or wetlands are not counted in emissions reductions calculations because doing so doesn’t achieve the overall goal of decarbonizing the economy. The general goal is to reduce emissions as much as possible then use carbon storage to take up any residual emissions.” Talk about, “Not seeing the forest for the trees!”
Apparently, the authority for this Climate Action Plan comes from the county’s Strategic Plan for 2023-2026. This is not binding, but simply a “plan” and municipal councils are totally free to reject the recommendations. We need to become aware of what is happening and work with our local councils, who have the power to challenge this. They need our input and support to focus on our local needs and we have not given them this support of late.
Marshall McLuhan said, “There is absolutely no inevitability as long as there is willingness to contemplate what is happening”. It’s time to wake up.
Rae Stanley Barry’s Bay