Carney’s Liberal Dystopia

Trudeau has promised to resign – so he says, as of March 9th, and for that we may give thanks to God. But he’s still the Prime Minister until then, and we wait to see if he will keep his word (don’t laugh). His feckless ‘leadership’ has proved disastrous, strutting and fretting his hour upon the stage – and may he soon be heard no more.

We should not prepare our celebration just yet. Trudeau has also prorogued Parliament – an act of dubious legality – shutting down the government at what may be one of the most critical times in our history.

There’s an agenda to all this, for when the Liberals elect a new leader on that fateful day near the ides of March, he, or she, will automatically become Prime Minister, at least until a federal election is held next fall. That is our fate, barring some intervention: somehow recalling the government for a vote of no confidence; or the U.S. annexing Canada; or an asteroid impact

Given recent events, we may not have that long. Trump’s threats to impose a 25% tariff on Canadian imports this Saturday, February 1st, would be, if put into effect, bad – I know not how bad. In his recent speech to the World Economic Forum, the president claimed the U.S. doesn’t need our lumber or oil, with plenty of their own. He says we could avoid the tariff by becoming the newest state. Hey, it’s a deal.

Let’s just suppose we make it as a still-intact country to that first week of March. The Liberals will still likely be in power, a party the inherent corruption of which almost defies description – the culture of death in all its manifestations, the financial incompetence, malfeasance and incestuous cronyism.

The two front runners to take over, Mark Carney and Krystia Freeland, are both globalists in the mold of Trudeau (or is that vice versa?), acolytes of Teutonic-megalomaniac-James Bond-villain-bent-on-world-domination, Klaus Schwaub and his World Economic Forum. Both Carney and Freeland are lockstep with his climate zealotry; both intend to impose an economically destructive agenda to reduce ‘carbon’, a euphemism for reducing ‘life’. It’s recrudescent Manicheism under a pseudo-scientific guise.

Carney is an ideologue, who will put that ideology before the good of Canada, or Canadians, as did Trudeau before him. Reduce carbon, sure, but primarily by reducing it in others. Carney’s own carbon footprint – along with the rest of the Davos set – is of Godzilla dimensions: at least two mansions, native of Canada, citizen of Ireland, denizen of the poshest neighbourhood in London, traveling hither and yon by jet, and so on.

From his recent interview on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart:

In response to a question about how Carney would be “left holding the carbon tax bag,” which Stewart argued was “not politically feasible,” Carney hinted that he would target the oil and gas industry with climate policy.

“Almost 30 per cent of our emissions from Canada come from the production and shipment of oil to the United States,” said Carney. “So part of it is cleaning that up, getting those emissions down, more than changing, in a very short period of time, the way Canadians live.”

Ah, one sees the sleight of tongue. He will ‘target the oil industry’ – which means Alberta – and leave the ‘way Canadians live’ untouched. Really? Would not ‘targeting the oil industry’ drive fuel prices up through the stratosphere, which would of necessity change the ‘way Canadians live’? It would be Trudeau’s punitive carbon tax in another insidious guise.

Carney must know that targeting crippling the gas and oil industry would be counter-productive, as it is the main thing keeping Canada economically afloat (see ‘working men’, below). The standard of living of all Canadians will get even worse under Carney (and Freeland) except, of course, for the likes of Carney and Freeland themselves. By his own admission, Carney no longer even considers himself ‘Canadian’, but a ‘European’. Like a previous Prime Ministerial candidate, Michael Ignatieff, he’s an urbane ‘citizen of the world’. He will keep the modus vivendi to which he has become accustomed and to which he feels entitled, regardless of what happens to Canada.

Carney is all on board with the radical UN 2030 climate goals. He shows his true authoritarian colours in this brief clip:

The companies and those who invest in them and lend to them who are part of the solution will be rewarded, but those who are lagging behind and are still part of the problem will be punished.

Punished, how? Whether we all end up subsisting in a barely-heated pod eating cricket mush, it’s a moral certainty that our quality of life will decrease under a continued Liberal ‘leadership’ – and drastically. As with all such false, communistic utopias, we will devolve into a new kind of serfdom, and are already a good way there. Such is the natural condition of Man without Christ, as Belloc predicted in his Servile State. With the loss of property goes the loss of freedom. They will keep enough of the hoi polloi around to do the work required, but in a quasi-prison, preferably one of our own devising, even of our own choosing – at least, at first. We are heading towards an Elysium world, where we will own nothing, but most definitely won’t be happy.

Yet, somehow, both Carney and Freeland are trying to convince Canadians they are all for freedom and prosperity – they’ve even promised to axe the carbon tax, which they supported until just a couple of weeks ago. Tellingly, Freeland has deleted any connection to the WEF from her web profile, including from the WEF’s own webpage. But  the internet is forever. Carney, apparently, couldn’t care less, although he did strive to distance himself from Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘assistant’ Ghislaine Maxell, when a photograph surfaced of them together in what seems a friendly group setting. Apparently, he’s not friends with her, but his sister-in-law is. Hmm. I don’t like ‘guilt by association’, but Carney moves in a rarified realm very different from the average Canadian.

Mark Carney is a banker; nay – all together now, to the tune of the Major-General! – he is the very governor of the national bank of Eng-a-land – and formerly of the Bank of Canada. This means he makes his money off other people’s money, which is one way to make a living, I suppose; but why should he be a millionaire?

Pope Leo XIII wrote in Rerum Novarum (1891), it is by the ‘labor of working men that states grow rich‘. And by ‘working men’, he meant men who produced things that could be bought and sold on the open market – farming, mining, metallurgy, manufacturing, fuel and so on.  Not service economies – such as banking or politics – which, by definition, are there to serve the working man, not the other way around.

Ask yourself: Have Carney’s economic policies in Canada and England made you richer, or poorer? Both nations are now in deep financial manure, with unserviceable debts, spiraling deficits, and no end in sight. And the burden falls most on the back of the working man, and future generations of working men, if anyone will ‘work’ in what future we have.

The Liberals will continue the destruction of this country that the two Trudeaus began, père et fils, and bring it to its logical and tragic conclusion. What your parents and grandparents knew as ‘the Dominion of Canada’ will be no more,  and may already be irrevocably gone. The same fate awaits many nations across the globe, as we careen towards ‘post-nationalism’, governed by elites building their ‘brave new world’.

I’m an immigrant, brought here as a young lad, but grew up to love Canada, this fair and wild Dominion, tamed by, and built upon, the blood, sweat and tears of pioneers and saints, who carved a nation – and a Christian one at that – out of this rugged land. We even have the blood of martyrs – whose undaunted courage and limitless charity went unmentioned by the Pope on his recent visit to Canada. Their ‘narratives’ are now largely canceled and forgotten. We’ve been governed too long by soft, men without chests.

Canada was amongst the richest, most scenic and religious nations on earth, but we’re now well on our way to being one of the poorest, and most Godless. Our cities, infrastructure and medical system are going to rack and ruin, and we’re at the vanguard of the culture of death, murdering our unborn, our elderly, our sick, drowning in the blood of the innocent. We’re staring down at the very abyss.

I’m not saying Poilievre is the answer, but at this juncture, he’s the only other option, if an election can be called. The Conservative option is at least far less bad than what is now facing us, and may buy us some more time.

For at the end of the day, however, there is no political solution to our crisis. Politics cannot build a virtuous society, but is only propaedeutic thereto. Only in God is our hope, and in the one true Catholic Faith He offers for our salvation. Might we yet rediscover what Canada was, and she may be again? Every step towards that goodness, and away from the evil that has been wrought under the Trudeaus and their Liberals, is a step in the right direction.

We’re going to need all the supernatural help we can get.

Our Lady of the Cape, Saint Joseph, Holy Canadian Martyrs, and all holy saints and angels of this Dominion, orate pro nobis!