Christ suffered without sin on his hands, for he committed no sin and deceit was not found on his lips. Yet he suffered the pain of the cross for our redemption. His prayer to God was pure, his alone out of all mankind, for in the midst of his suffering he prayed for his persecutors: Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. (Saint Gregory the Great, +604)

Editor's Corner

Our Lady’s Role in Redemption

On this great Solemnity of the Annunciation - and a blessed one may it be - it is fitting to reflect upon Our Lady's...

Mark Carney Calls a Federal Election for April 28th

After visiting the Governor-General, who must approve in the King's name, Mark Carney has called a federal election here in our fair Dominion of...

The Indefatigable Saint Turibius

Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo (+1606), a missionary bishop of Lima, Peru from 1579 until his death in 1606, is a heroic model for bishops...

Two Lenten Saint Nicholases: Flüe and Owen

On March 21 and 22, we commemorate two saints by the name of Nicholas. The first is Nicholas of Flüe (1415 - 1487), patron...

Unto Ash Thou Shalt Return? The Church and Cremation

A friend of mine asked me about the Church’s teaching on cremation, and to fulfil that request, I thought a few words in this...

Nota in Brevis

The Mystery of the Annunciation as Reflected in Pope St John Paul II

March 25th is the Solemnity of the Incarnation of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The centrality of this feast lies in the Latin words found...

God’s Daughter, Margaret Clitherow

Please do enjoy this podcast on the great English saint Margaret Clitherow, or Clitheroe - spelling was variable back then, and even her contemporary...

Mark Carney Calls a Federal Election for April 28th

After visiting the Governor-General, who must approve in the King's name, Mark Carney has called a federal election here in our fair Dominion of...

Embryos and Adoption

We've written before in these pages on the ontological and moral status of pre-born embryos, and the hundreds of thousands of them kept in...

Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela

In this Jubilee year of hope, friends of mine, Pico and Ruth, are organizing a pilgrimage to Spain, to walk part of the final...