Vatican Norms for Apparitions and Revelations

In 1978, the Vatican issued guidelines for discerning the veracity of visions and revelations. Specifically, these were issued by the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (SCDF), and I’m still not sure why they removed the ‘sacred’, nor why this was later changed to dicastery, rather than congregation, but I digress. Aware of human fallibility and duplicity, as well as the fact that the devil can transform himself into an (apparent) angel of light, the Church has always carefully and cautiously accepted reports of supernatural visitations. It’s a short document, found here, and can be read in a few minutes.

The DDF – the modern version of the SCDF – is about to issue an updated version of these criteria, which will likely be longer and more in-depth. I hope it’s also clear and precise. We will see, and we live in hope.

We need guidance from the Church on these matters, for many are led astray by vain imaginings and yearnings, seeking some sort of certainty in a chaotic world. God does send His servants, especially the Queen of Heaven, but we must discern the spirits, in truth.