St Peter’s Square
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The liturgy today has us celebrate the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica, called the “mother and head of all the Churches of the Urbe and Orbe“. Actually, this Basilica was the first to be built after the Edict of the Emperor Constantine who, in 313, conceded to Christians the freedom to practice their religion. The same Emperor gave Pope Miltiades the ancient estate of the Laterani family and had the Basilica, the Baptistery and the Patriarchate built for him, the latter being the Bishop of Rome’s residence, where Popes resided until the Avignon era. The dedication of the Basilica was celebrated by Pope Silvester in about 324 and the temple was dedicated to the Most Holy Saviour; only after the 6th century were the names of Sts John the Baptist and John the Evangelist added, from which came its common name. This occasion initially only involved the city of Rome; then, from 1565 onwards, it extended to the entire Church of the Roman rite. Hence, honouring the holy building is meant as an expression of love and veneration for the Roman Church “which”, as St Ignatius of Antioch affirms, “presides in charity” over the entire Catholic communion (cf. Epistula ad Romanos, 1, 1).
(To continue reading, please see here).