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Signs and Mysteries: Revealing Ancient Christian Symbols

...“In several images, Peter appears receiving the divine law from Jesus Christ, just as Moses received the tablets of the law from God”—a Christian adoption of an ancient Hebrew imagery....

Saint Nicholas’ Love for the Destitute and Needy

...planter of good desires; compassionate father of those in misfortune; dread punisher of wrongdoers; abyss of miracles poured out by God; tablets of the Law of Christ written by God;...

Solomon and the Hidden Glory of God

...their long journey through the wilderness to the promised land. Dramatically, too, it was a cloud that Moses entered at Mount Sinai when he received from God the tablets of...

Sixth Sunday: The Inimitable Joy of the Beatitudes

...Moses but God Himself who inscribes the Law of His Sacred Heart not on stone tablets but on the very hearts of His disciples. What we are given in the...

Beatitudes and the Imitatio Christi with the presence of God. Jesus is not only the new Moses but God Himself who inscribes the Law of His Sacred Heart not on stone tablets but on...

D.I.E. – The Triad of a New Religion

...Pistons reciprocate, and combustion is controlled. Gasoline in, velocity thundering out. And it is said she is Astraia. The tablets are cracked, fragmented, and the word is discarded as if...

The Rocky Road from Doubt to Faith                                            

...of the Covenant containing Aaron’s staff, manna, and the tablets brought down by Moses from Mount Sinai no longer exists and cannot be proven to have ever existed. Nevertheless, the...

Pandemic and the PCR Test: Questionable Reliability

...or near-peak viral load. By this point the symptoms may have begun to appear, and the individual is most contagious. It is fast, cheap and fairly simple, but could be...

Pigeons and doves

...we had only read about or seen in the movies. On the corners were beggars, people selling watches and hats, and people walking blithely through the traffic as if through...

Eight Lessons from Holy Week

...selling, of making choices based on our own interests. Where are you, Judas? The subsequent day, Maundy Thursday, and the first day of the Paschal Triduum, Jesus makes his ultimate...