Father Joseph Hattie, O.M.I., Rest in Peace

It is with sadness to let readers know that Father Joseph Hattie, O.M.I. died this morning, Sunday, September 8th, fittingly on what is Our Lady’s birthday, whom he served so well. As he used to say when asked a question, ‘let me check with my boss’, meaning, Mary Immaculate. Those here in Canada may have heard of Father Hattie, many with the blessing of meeting him – he had a wide-ranging ministry, especially in the realm of family and pro-life.

Father Hattie served as our chaplain at Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College – during a few of the years were still the ‘Academy’ – and I wrote some words of reflection upon his retirement back in 2020. He was indeed a faithful worker in the Lord’s vineyard.

Requiescat in pace, et lux perpetua luceat ei.